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Dr. Aramya.A.R, BAMS
Senior Research Officer & Senior Physician

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Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Clinical Interests

Musculoskeletal Disorders
Joint disorders
Ligament injuries
Hairline & Non-Displaced Fracture

Clinic Affiliation

AVP Research Foundation
AVPRF Speciality Clinics

Research Interests

Pharmaceutical Research
Clinical Research

Professional Memberships

Propaganda Secretary, Coimbatore Chapter, All India Ayurveda Congress


BAMS (Bachelor in Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery)


1. Chyawanprash: A review of therapeutic benefits as in authoritative texts and documented clinical literature.,, Narayana DB, Durg S, Manohar PR, Mahapatra A, Aramya AR.,, J Ethnopharmacol. 2017 Feb 2;197:52-60. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.07.078. Epub 2016 Aug 2. Review.,, PMID: 27496580,, Select item 26798186,,
2. Comparative Evaluation of Specific Phytochemical Indicatives in Cirivilvādi Kaṣāya Prepared Freshly and at Commercial Scale.,, Mahapatra A, Aramya AR, Manohar R, Latha K.,, Indian J Pharm Sci. 2015 Sep-Oct;77(5):650-4.,, PMID: 26798186 ,, Select item 25035537,,
3. Posological Considerations of Ocimum sanctum (Tulasi) as per Ayurvedic Science and Pharmaceutical Sciences.,, Narayana DB, Manohar R, Mahapatra A, Sujithra RM, Aramya AR.,, Indian J Pharm Sci. 2014 May;76(3):240-5.,, PMID: 25035537,,
4. Post-surgical management of pontine hemorrhage with Ayurvedic treatment.,, Manojkumar A, Aramya AR.,, Anc Sci Life. 2013 Apr;32(4):250-2. doi: 10.4103/0257-7941.131988.,, PMID: 24991076,,
5. Fixing Basonym and Synonyms of Guduci (Tinospora cordifolia.(Thnub) Miers.) listed in early literature of Ayurveda - An approach to standardize Ayurvedic drug nomenclature,, Ram Manohar, Aramya AR, Saideepa Nedungadi, Madhumita Mani, Sujithra RM. AAM. 2018; 7(1-2): 27-40,, Status of Indian medicine and folk healing With a focus on benefits that the systems have given to the public (Part-I) Aramya A R

More About Physician

Dr. Aramya A R graduated from Chennai, Tamilnadu was trained under Dr. Jayakrishnan, a veteran Ayurveda Physician. With three years of clinical experience she joined the research team under Dr. Ram Manohar at AVP. She has been involved in both pharmaceutical and clinical research. With 11 years of general practice and and has been specialising in management of Musculoskeletal Diseases. She has had rare previllage of being in the research team studying knee pain under the guidance of Dr. Daniel Furst and Dr. Ram Manohar.

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